Monday, August 24, 2009

Not My Child Monday

Taking cue from MckMama here this fabulous Monday morning. I'll return tonight or tomorrow starting something a little new.. Project 365. :)
This week, while on base trying to get our medical taken care of, Hunter certainly did not have a massive freak-out because I left him alone with Kiefer and he couldn't see me. No, Hunter has perfectly adjusted to the move and having Kiefer home again, he doesn't freak out EVERY time I leave the room.
Hunter definitely did not bounce up and down with Mickey Mouse clubhouse music this week, while standing next to our coffee table, and I was not so distracted by his adorableness that I didn't spot him, and he came down and busted his bottom lip open. He was, in fact, fine, but he certainly never scares the heck out of me.
He did not proceed to start the same behavior two days later, and while I went to get him down, because that behavior is too scary, he did not do it again. This time worse, and he wouldn't let me hold ice on it, so he must not have a swollen pucker on his bottom lip.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Got a couple of dents in my fender, rips in my jeans..

*Ignore the ridiculously large bin of trash--that was maintenance's mess!*
We've been getting settled this last week, hence the lack of posts, but no worries--I am alive. We're completely unpacked, except for a few boxes down in the storage room. Those will probably never be unpacked, mainly because they're full of junk sentimental items that I don't want to display, but still not throw out.

Hunter started cruising (walking along the furniture) this week. I can't believe how fast he's growing up, it seems like just yesterday he'd just curl up on my chest and fall asleep. Oh speaking of which, he doesn't always sleep in boxes, which I received quite a few emails about people thinking it was pretty darn funny. At night he sleeps securely in his crib in his room, and during the day he naps in his pack and play here in the living room. He does it pretty adorably, too. See?
Today is Kiefer's first day back to work. I think he was ready to go back, he loves being home but he also loves his job. I'm so glad that we're all finally together and that there isn't another deployment (*fingers crossed*) for at least another year. There will be work-ups, but those are only a month.
Oh, how I am so glad we're all together finally. Once we're completely settled, I plan on posting photos room-by-room. I just want to get the frames and decor up before I do that!
Anyhow, I've got to wrap this up so I can start dinner and of course have some play time with Mr. H!

I ran across this song on a photography website, I absolutely love it. It's just so catchy and the lyrics are well-written.

Show Us Your Life - Baby Showers (Another "I have no stinking creativity this week" post)

Every Friday Kelly hosts a blog hop called Show Us Your Life. This week is baby showers. I'm once again, too tired and my mind is too blank, to actually make my own post, so here it goes. Ha!

My baby shower was thrown by my wonderful and fabulous friends, Sarah and Christina. It was a good time had by all, and was a sea of baby blue, brown and stars--which is Hunter's nursery theme.

The cake was amazing, it was a pregger girls dream--chocolate on top of chocolate with extra icing. There was also a chocolate fountain where you could dip a variety of fruits, cheescake bites and more. There were also finger sandwiches and tons of finger foods to enjoy.

This was the gift table, thank you again to everyone! Hunter was fully stocked with clothes for the first year and tons of toys and goodies, for sure. We're so blessed to have amazing people in our lives.

This is Sarah, the hostess #1, along with some of the guests, giving a little speech and welcoming everyone to her home.Oh do you see me over there in all of my splendor?

Well, if you didn't, here I am. I was definitely ALL baby.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

Jumping on the "Not Me Monday" train by MckMama, just to unwind. Plus, I'm all out of wittiness.
I did not, under any circumstances, put a blanket into an empty moving box and let Hunter play in it. And I certainly did not let him sleep in there when he conked out, just so I could get some peace and quiet unpack some more, without disturbing him. Of course, I didn't get a picture of the crime before moving on to unpacking more stuff.
(Satellite Guy)
I most definitely did not spend yesterday enjoying the satellite we just had installed, even though there were plenty of boxes needing to be unpacked. I also did not set up the DVR to record not only Army Wives, but Days of Our Lives daily. I would never watch lame soaps and shows that my husband thinks are "froo-froo."
I did not, while unpacking, give up on putting Kiefer's stuff away and put it all in two boxes, writing on there "What the heck??" for him to sort later. No, not me, the deal was he brings the boxes up and does the heavy stuff--I unpack the boxes.
I did not get Hunter's nursery set up and then make certain that the twin bed was set up, just so if I happen to miss Mr. H during the night, I can go in there and sleep in there.
Oh and this post is certainly not over. Oh wait, it is.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We Like Dislike to Move it Move it

Moving Day 1:
It's been a very long day. We're not out of
Texas yet though, so that’s okay. We started out at 5 AM getting the unpacked packed into the car and getting Hunter ready to go. We didn’t get out of the house until 6:40. We needed to go by my dad’s work to say goodbye (the hardest thing I've ever done in my whole life) by 6:50, it was a tight trip.

Of course, it wouldn’t be me if I did not forget something. We got about 15 miles down the road when we realized we’d forgotten my purse (which holds all my DL and military dependent ID) so we had to turn around and go back. Poor Kiefer, he tried so hard to leave by 6. However, turning back into Willis had it’s perks. We plugged Fort Stockton into the GPS and it led us a shorter (mileage) and faster way to get here. There was no traffic (all country highways) and the speed limit was 80 MPH. Kiefer’s grandfather had a 70 mile head start on us, and we reached Fort Stockton at the same time. Pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

It was pretty uneventful, Hunter played with his (many) new toys that his Godfather Noble got him and had a pretty relaxing 440 mile ride. He had one freak out, apparently the sound of windshield wipers scare him. I think this is a new development, but I’ve only driven in the rain with him 2 or 3 times, so maybe I just got lucky.

So now, we rest. We have a long day a head of us tomorrow, too. It’s Tucson or bust.

*Pictures are crappy, they're off my cell.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

Cue cheesy intro music.

I am a Texan by way of California, soon to be misplaced again in California by the Marine Corps with my husband and son. I am a new mommy, a proud Marine Corps wife, novice photographer, ex-hairstylist (well, kinda, but more about that another time), aspiring high school history teacher and I think I am pretty neat--not that I'm biased or anything

I am a work in progress. My family comes first and nothing could ever change that. I love decorating and doing anything remotely crafty. I am no Suzie Homemaker, though I do wish I could channel June Cleaver. However, I am not coordinated enough to vacuum in heels and I don’t cook well at all. I own way too many pairs of shoes (is there really a such thing, though, seriously?) and adore huge sunglasses. I'm a pretty nice person, if you ask me, and enjoy it when people are nice to me in return. I take things to the heart and cry pretty easily, but it's only with the best intentions. I change my mind constantly and tend to forget everything.

The facts? I was born and raised in California, so I’m not really the new kid in town state. However, I’m originally from Northern California—so I’m new in this part of the state. I prefer Texas to any other of the states but home for now is where the Marine Corps sends us, and that’s how it’s going to have to be. For a little bit, anyway. I have an awesome 7 ½ month old son named Hunter Scott, and a great husband who just returned from a 6 month deployment, Kiefer. I am for now a SAHM and a student, along with doing photography part-time.

I started to start a blog with the hopes of staying connected with my family and friends still in Texas and to get connected to the new friends I will meet along the way, as I venture to California with my husband and child next week.

*Oh, and yes, I do realize my hair is not the same in any of these pictures. I change it often, and some days even I forget what color it currently is.