I haven't been updating because I haven't had a computer. My laptop is broken at the moment, a very wonderful one-year-old ripped the charger out of the computer, resulting in the charging port cracking. I had to order a new computer though, because I have a final tomorrow--and our usual computer repair guy is out of town. As usual, please forgive the pictures. I actually uploaded pics from my camera on to my laptop....right before it died. *Crossing my fingers we'll be able to recover the hard drive* which we should be able to.

Speaking of out of town, Kiefer is in Key West. I've actually done quite well all alone by myself, but don't tell K, haha! I was very scared, since I've never been alone for more than 1 night since Hunter and I moved out to California, but we've adapted well. It's a good mini-vacation (it's actually a deployment work up, but he's having fun) for Kiefer. Heaven knows he deserves it more than anyone!

Our time together will be short lived though once he gets back from Key West he'll only be home a short time and then head out again for well over a month to Arizona. It's going to be a long year of deployment work ups, promotion schools and training schedules.
Oh and I have to extend a welcome to Kiefer's aunts new baby, who is being called "Prince Charming" to the blogging public, and I couldn't agree more--he's just so cute! Congratulations Alisa! (I don't want to post her personal pictures on my blog out of respect, but he's so darn cute!)

I got my hair colored and I absolutely love it. I got very chunky blonde and red highlights put in. I didn't get it cut as short as I did last time (to my shoulders with my bangs more of a swoop), but that's my own fault because I told her just a trim.
School is going well, I have my first course final this week and I'm pretty excited about it. Not nervous, just ready to move on to the next course.

I'm looking into moving back to TX in early 2011 while Kiefer is deployed for 6-8 months. We're going to try to find a place that is furnished though, we'd like to avoid moving all of our stuff to and from TX again. We'll just put our stuff here in storage. We'd save more to move back and put our stuff in storage then we would be able to save if I stayed here. Not to mention I have family and friends in TX, and I miss every one a whole heck of a lot.

And.... That's a wrap.. For now.
Hunter is growing like a weed... adorable! Your hair looks great! :o)