And then this one this morning after his nap....
I cleaned out his closet and dresser this afternoon, boxing up all of the clothes that do not fit anymore and hanging up the new series of outfits. Anyhow, I was hanging up all his new 12-18 month clothes, and comparing it to some of his newborn stuff that was still laying around, of course I cried. I don't know when he grew, but he did! So I'm borrowing this idea from Kelly's Korner to give a bit of a run down of what Hunter's been up to lately!

- You weigh 23 lbs and 3 oz. (99 percentile)
- You measure around 31 1/2 inches, but I can't get the real length myself because you squirm so much! (80 percentile)
- You aren't allergic to anything, so far, and have tried all of the Gerber foods stages 1-3, and have started eating table foods more and more. You love to feed yourself, even though it's super messy for Mommy to clean up.
- You like foods we don't expect you to like. You love pickles, lemons and sauerkraut. You don't like bananas or applesauce.
- You're shaking your head "no" when you don't want something!
- You crawl fast enough to catch the cat and walk along the furniture. You stand on your own and clap your hands, too. You've tried taking a couple of steps, and have gotten to 3 steps, then you sit down and shake your head "no."
- When you're across the room and doing something Mommy or Daddy don't like and we say "Hunter, no." you simply wave at us and go back to what you were doing.
- You've started napping 1.5 hours twice a day, instead of your 3, 15 minute catnaps that you have been doing the last 10 months.
- You give high fives and low fives like no other.
- You love playing catch with Mommy and Daddy with your Fisher Price Roll-Around Balls. You throw it to us, we roll it to you, you throw it back.
- Oh, the Marines at Daddy's squadron taught you how to throw. It was nice of them. You like to throw. You throw your toys over the gate and down our stairs. You throw your pacifier at the cat and your food at the walls. You also threw a pickle at Daddy as he was coming up the stairs a couple of weeks ago, and that was pretty funny.
- You love your Mr. Bear that your Grandpa Paul got you and your stars blankey. You carry them with you and they go everywhere with you.
- You have more toys than an FAO Schwarz it seems somedays, but you really do seem to play with every one of them. You take each one out of your toy box, play with it for 2-3 minutes and move on to the next one, until the box is empty.
- Last night you learned how to climb on to the couch. Mommy is glad you learned how to climb down last month, otherwise we'd be in trouble.
- You climbed into your stroller this morning and you were jumping in it when Mommy caught you and put the stroller away. That's scary, you shouldn't do that!
- You love to chase the cat. You also play catch with her. Some days she takes naps with you, but only if Mommy is working in your room so she can watch. She slept with you a lot in the pack-and-play downstairs during the day, but now that it's not downstairs anymore, she can only sleep with you supervised.
- You chit chat as much as you can. We don't know what you're saying, but you mean do, and you mean it! You say dada when you're upset or in the car, mama when you're excited or bored and everything in between all the other times!
- Your eyes are still blue and we're starting to think they may stay that way. They're not dark, they aren't light, they are a very bright, vibrant blue.
- You are growing a lot of hair lately, and always wake up with it a mess. When we go out, Mommy likes to put it in a faux hawk with BabyRedken 11.
- You typically go to bed every night at 8:30 or 9:00 and sleep through the night most of the time. Lucky for us, you always seem to wake up on weekends, when we don't have to wake up early.
- You're working on your 7th and 8th teeth (on the bottom next to your center teeth) and bite HARD!
- We love you so much and are so thankful you were put into our lives!
Awwww! I LOVE IT! Enjoy these precious moments while Hunter is little, they go by so fast (I hate it when people tell me this...as if you don't already know it right??) I love this little guy..and am pretty fond of the two of yall-and not because I have to be! We are all grateful to have you and Hunter in the family....you are a great little mommy and the way Hunter is turning out proves this fact! Kiefer is blessed to have you-and you are crazy to have married him (ha ha).
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