I announce, once again, I have not abandoned this blog. I have, however, had absolutely nothing to talk about until now! Hunter turned 1 this Sunday, the 13th and his party was Saturday, the 5th. Okay, so maybe I could have blogged about these things when they
happened but, I wanted to wait until I had Hunter's growth information and I didn't have that until today. Not to mention I was too lazy to find my cable to upload Hunter's party pictures until today.
Oh Hunter Scott, how cute you are, Dorito face and all. What are you up to these days?
You weigh 25 lbs. and 6 oz. and are 32 1/2 inches long!
You wear anywhere from 12 months to 2T size clothing, depending on the brand!
You also wear a size 5 shoe! Mommy has started you out right in life, by making sure you already have tons of shoes!
You rarely crawl anymore and love walking. You haven't taken off in a sprint yet, but you do waddle pretty quickly!
You babble constantly but we know you mean it when you say "Dada" to Daddy. When you hear the garage door open you waddle over to the gate as fast as possible and point down the stairs "Dadadadada" until you see your daddy and then you squeal. "Mama" is still used to describe a wide range of things, from Mommy to the couch. You also say "hey" when you want to get our attention!
You recently decided you like talking on the phone. And by phone, I mean anything that is square, you put up to your ear and say "hey babble babble babble."
You are finally off the bottle and on the sippy cup. You even kinda hold the sippy cup. You don't tilt it to get anything out, but you do put it in your mouth when you want Mommy to tilt it for you so you can have a drink.
What are you drinking these days, you may ask? Whole milk, water and a daily cup of half juice, half water. You do still have a bottle of formula 30 minutes before bed just to give you that extra bit of nutrients.
You no longer eat jarred baby foods, except the Gerber oatmeals for breakfast. You love feeding yourself but haven't quite mastered the spoon. So you get to feed yourself any finger foods in your meal and Mommy takes over the rest.
You love to throw things down to Gemma (our cat) and she waits patiently under your highchair during your meals for her treats.
You sleep about 10-12 hours a night and wake up once, but you aren't hungry you're just lonely and need to put back down and patted on the back until you're drowsy again. We're working on "sleep training" but you're really not feeling it.
You're into everything and keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes all of the time! We wouldn't have it any other way, we love you!!!!
Oh and how was Hunter's birthday party, you ask?
He played.
He laughed.
He opened presents.
He conked out!
It was a terrific party and Hunter had tons of fun with awesome people! We sure miss our Texas family and friends, but are glad Hunter is making friends here and enjoys the company of other kids very well!